Let the Feed Begin

Energy as a FEED really bites!

Energy as a FEED really bites!

All living things instinctively feed to survive. Instinct pushes us to seek what makes existence possible. Something similar happens at the psychological level. The mind is becoming accustomed to recognizing what works to survive at the physical level. Our present understanding of what is beneficial for survival at the mental level and emotional levels is still a relatively uncharted territory. The process of feeding requires a degree of energy from ourselves that engages the body, our thoughts and emotions.

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Feeding on Greed

I need a greed feed now!

I need a greed feed now!

Ah greed, one of the 7 deadly sins. According to Merriam Webster, greed is a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed. I like Carol’s definition: greed is an empty energetic promise of satisfaction that can never be achieved. In this model, greed sets up an expectation vortex – to wit, the more we get, the less we think we have and the more we seek to compensate for the deficit as a result.

As in the tapeworm metaphor (see the Tapeworm Metaphor), greed is a parasitic thought process that demands minimal input from itself and a maximum outflow from its host. The parasite  consumes ever more energy from its host, yet is never satisfied in the end. Unaware of its existence, the obedient host mechanically serves the parasites demands and unconsciously nurtures its growth. As the parasite increases in size and strength, its appetite and expectations grow even more voracious and demanding.The will of the host eventually becomes that of the parasitic feeder within as a last chance survival effort.

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Feeder Types – Middle Feeders

Is the glass half full or half empty?... That IS the question!

Is the glass half full or half empty?… That IS the question!

The Middle Feeder takes its feeding opportunities less seriously than those at the top of the feed chain.  At the top, predation is more aggressive and confrontational, meaning – more of an even playing field for both predator and prey. For example, the sharks are big, fast and confident as are many of their prey like Tuna and Swordfish. The sharks have little regard to the way they feed and thus often waste more than they swallow. That waste falls to the benefit of the middle area – where the Middle Feeders hang out. Caught in this descending food spiral are the remnants of broken lives, leftovers from empty energy investments, etc.

Middle Feeders are concerned about location. They like to follow the big fish – hoping to live off the leftovers. For example, a newscaster following a presidential candidate might embellish upon the faux pas and negative utterances made by the candidate.

Middle Feeders have a loosely held set of feeding rules that apply more to others than to them. A Middle Feeder builds a whole feeding reality around their beliefs, which includes wishing they had more than they need – a “wannabe” wish. They feel envious of those they consider higher up the social ladder than them. They settle for less as long as there is a steady feed flowing to them – their credo is, “It’s good enough”. They are quick to point out the faults of the rich and poor alike in order to make their position more palatable.

The Middle Feeder is plagued by the terrifying desire for more of what they envy in others, but the idea of paying the price for satisfying that desire means a level of commitment or effort that exists outside their comfort zone. It’s just more convenient and far less risky.

In the mind of a Middle Feeder being passive is a virtue, yet all the while they want to appear as though they are making a stand for a good cause. Appearance is important, which allows the Middle Feeder to associate with those outside of their comfort in relative safety. Under the guise of friendship and fellowship, they wait their opportunity to dig or expose. Yum, yum!

Middle Feeders love to cry foul while hiding behind cohorts. There, limited conscience can provide unlimited feeding opportunities.

Breath of a Feed

Sometimes a breath is too much to take in.

Sometimes a breath is too much to take in.

The breath of a feed, inspired by my daughter Cati Bennette, is every breath that expresses the need to survive this reality. Every breath expresses why and how we are doing our survival.

The rhythms we produce tell the aware observer/participant something about your thought processes. As life forms on earth, tend to synchronize with our surrounding rhythms.

When we deviate from them, that shift sets up a disharmony in some instances and creates greater harmony in other settings depending on the emotions that accompany the shift.

Every breath we take is affected by the beliefs we have. The belief in being greater or lesser than others, human or not is essential to manifestation. Breathing should be automatic… right? It does help keep us alive after all. However, the way we breathe makes a difference in our performance as well as our attitudes. When our own breathing is out of harmony with those we feel close to, we tend to create disharmony by wanting it and then begin to feed on the disharmony created.

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The Feed Within the Torus

The torus is a vehicle that defines my separateness.

The torus is a vehicle that defines my separateness.

“The torus is a surface generated by the revolution of any closed plane curve or contour about an axis lying in its plane.” (Dictionary.com)


What is a torus beyond a spacial mathematical model? Let’s investigate it from an energetic perspective.  Its function is interactive with matter. Geometry represents a system of dimensional form. As a system, it has symbolic implications we humans are still seeking to understand. The better I understand the symbolic representations of a system, the more likely I am to affect work within it.

Some enlightened people have made groundbreaking connections between geometry and the behavior of energy. Our universe speaks powerfully of its relationship with specific shapes such as spheres and curves. For example, Earth is a sphere due to the effects of the energetic systems, gravity and magnetism. At the atomic level the torus has a close symbolic association with the dynamic fields generated by the motions of atoms and molecules. The tendency toward bilateral symmetry on earth strongly suggests a structural influence in the design of everything.

The torus symbolically represents the conduit between physical form, based on self beliefs, and what is possible beyond.

The torus, as a field of probabilities, encapsulates an energetic illusion of separateness while protecting the form from potential wholeness. For example, a shell protects a chick until it is capable of breaking through on its own.

The Dynamic Motion of the Torus
The torus has an apple-like appearance energetically with a vortex-like energy flowing within. From an entrance point or central thought processing point above the head of the form spinning  downward through the form itself at the central axis point and continuing downward toward and exiting at a point where the flow changes to an upward spiral that expands out spherically giving the core where the form resides a wide space, like the skin covering an apple, then back to the top and thus begins the cycles again uninterrupted in its motion.

The torus also acts like a cocoon, keeping you in and others of a different belief out. Any information beyond the torus of self is in the form of an awareness of wholeness or oneness. The self is free to interpret benefit or threat. Such a system supports duality by allowing the illusion of resistance through complements while encouraging the forms to think beyond it.

Feeding within the torus is about form having the freedom to experience while having belief of being separate, needing a constant supply of validation to sustain that belief.The stronger the need for reassurance of its separate existence, the more impenetrable the torus becomes to input or output. Without new input, the form must rely only on the recycling of output. Letting go of needs and being willing to consider possibilities loosens the protective grip of torus over the energy flow around the form, allowing new information in and a way to release what is no longer needed. Once full consciousness is achieved, the torus is no longer required except as a vehicle.

Resistant Feeder

Resistance is a state of force preventing or diverting the flow or focused direction of energy.

It’s pretty simple really, the resistance feeder resists feeding on frustration by actively choosing not to feed. and to stop the opportunity to feed for self and others when and where possible. It is a conscious choice to say no and can conquer ones own vulnerability by sheer will. One possessing such will would have to submit to the possibility that their love for all life extends beyond the bounds of logic and reason. The strength of a resistant feeder comes from their blinding sense of humor when it comes to the failings in life.

Although there is plenty to laugh about of human error, there is a fine line between laughing at failure and laughing at those who fail. Comedy is all about looking at weaknesses and interpreting it as strength and strength as weakness. It throws the critical analyzer off its track.

When we  protect and defend something, we are investing in its worth to us. Turning away from a feed is an investment in the positive, it replaces reckless judgements with fact based reasoning and hypocritical justifications with a sense of humor and common  purpose and connection.

Choice invites risk, yet choice loses its meaning unless consciously understood. Restraint builds trust which invites safety which encourages commitment where rules, structure, and foundations are put in place for a more reliable future.

We tend to forget the effects of our feeds that accompany most of the changes we make. Those effects we do remember, we tend to blow out of proportion for another kind of feed.  We repeat our reluctant responses to the next opportunity for feeding and change. It’s a cycle: Resistance can break it.

Cycle of Feed

Cycle of Feed

An Ignorant Feed

Blame turns the brain into a machine focused on defense.

Blame turns the brain into a machine focused on defense.

Has anyone ever said to you in so many words, “shame on you!” and you didn’t know why they said it? Have you ever felt falsely accused? Accusations impact relationships and thus create feeds.

Whenever accusations come my way, my mind does its best to make sense of them. My self-worth walks a tight wire at times when I feel offended by others, regardless of which end of the accusation I am on. Blame turns the brain into a machine focused on defense.

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Feeder Types – Bottom Feeder

Bottom Feeders could be viewed as the clean-up crew.

Bottom Feeders could be viewed as the clean-up crew.

This is the first in a series on feeder types. We can identify with life in so many ways. This  is just another way of looking at how we analyze and utilize information bytes. Though not intended to be taken seriously, there may be something to their symbolic meanings that touch each of us.

The Bottom Feeder

A Bottom Feeder  chooses to scavenge at the final resting place of semi-digested thought material – that most feeders think is beneath them. This feeder is sometimes looked at as different or a loner because they are critical thinkers. They like to dredge up past and present scandals in minutia not meant to be mulled over in the light. They have a taste for secrets intended to be left alone and unremembered in the dark – that when exposed can cause emotional or physical distress for those who could be affected by those secrets. They are satiated best when raking muck and even more so when given credit for so doing.

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5 Ways to Maximize a Feed

Who's on the menu?

Who’s on the menu?

We are born feeding. The umbilical chord is a symbolic reminder, a connection we share with all of life. It goes without saying that we would perish without feeding. How effectively we feed is easily observable from healthy feeds to the sick ones – including disorders of feeding – though we have to consume, we can choose how we do it.

I am speaking of the intensity of a subtle energy feed. It’s useful to judge people and things as threat or benefit to survival. It’s another thing altogether to judge specific value or worthiness in order to feed on the negative energy that comes from defending against such measurements.

Perhaps you’re feeling unfulfilled, dissatisfied, or emotionally weak and drained. If so, GREAT! You’re providing maximum feed benefit – WAY TO GO!!

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Feeding Out

There is a FEED here!

There is a FEED here!

Everything must feed here, no exceptions. Predators often group kill for a feed. Prey animals, on the other hand, must still find food for themselves, which means migrating, at times, to survive. Humans have migrated as well – at some point in time, humans developed a need to feed on a psychological diet. Nowadays, you can dine out, physically, and experience many kinds of food.

There is a dependency that has developed which includes trust on a broad scale. We have learned about the dangers of trusting others with our food, the same may be true of the information we allow to flow into our minds. How can we exercise caution when a smorgasbord of mental feeding is available? How does one know what to allow psychologically?

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