All living things instinctively feed to survive. Instinct pushes us to seek what makes existence possible. Something similar happens at the psychological level. The mind is becoming accustomed to recognizing what works to survive at the physical level. Our present understanding of what is beneficial for survival at the mental level and emotional levels is still a relatively uncharted territory. The process of feeding requires a degree of energy from ourselves that engages the body, our thoughts and emotions.
We must be attached to an outcome for a feed to begin. Expectation is at the motivational end of every feed. Once an energy feed begins to draw life-force from the feed host, a sense of satisfaction blinds the feeder with a sense of control. A feed needs validation for its existence.
The feed process has a chain reaction effect. First, the mind has a thought – an experience of validation for being right for making this choice to feed. Second, the mind seeks a different level – one of justification, which involves the emotions. The emotions is the first counselor to the mind. The ego is also a counselor to the mind as to the threat or benefit of each experience and conveys judgments of a good/bad and right/wrong nature in order to get the mind to submit to the ego’s will. Once the mind attaches to the counsel of the ego, it expects the emotions to align with that choice. The heart/emotions will resist the command but if the heart submits to contrary energy flow, the emotions will be out of control of reason and the mind will become frustrated. The present emotions then resonate with the memories of past emotions and thoughts become amplified in their justifications while judgments increase in validity.
All experiences stored by mind are used by ego to justify its existence. Originally, ego was born of mind through the control of emotions in order to justify its existence. The choices mind made over time and the evolution and adaptation of thought to the ego’s influence have caused the extinction and distortion of many emotion based responses. The mind became more dependent upon the ego’s intervention than the heart’s true expressions within experiences. Emotional value for many is an exploitative one – using the appearance of emotions with a control agenda behind it.
Control elicits a feed. The more control over freedom of choice, the greater the feed potential. The ego offers the mind a feed value and enrolls the it to participate while ignoring accurate input from the heart. The true expression of self has lost much of its value to a convinced mind.
Fear activates a feed. When the mind resists, it enrolls the body. The body elicits the heart’s ability to make the mind awaken and the cycle resets as the mind takes conscious charge of its accountable manifestation.
Both predator and prey feed the same fear that motivates their fight or flight responses – that is, both the predator and prey fear the loss of existence, on which fear the ego feeds.