Resistant Feeder

Resistance is a state of force preventing or diverting the flow or focused direction of energy.

It’s pretty simple really, the resistance feeder resists feeding on frustration by actively choosing not to feed. and to stop the opportunity to feed for self and others when and where possible. It is a conscious choice to say no and can conquer ones own vulnerability by sheer will. One possessing such will would have to submit to the possibility that their love for all life extends beyond the bounds of logic and reason. The strength of a resistant feeder comes from their blinding sense of humor when it comes to the failings in life.

Although there is plenty to laugh about of human error, there is a fine line between laughing at failure and laughing at those who fail. Comedy is all about looking at weaknesses and interpreting it as strength and strength as weakness. It throws the critical analyzer off its track.

When we  protect and defend something, we are investing in its worth to us. Turning away from a feed is an investment in the positive, it replaces reckless judgements with fact based reasoning and hypocritical justifications with a sense of humor and common  purpose and connection.

Choice invites risk, yet choice loses its meaning unless consciously understood. Restraint builds trust which invites safety which encourages commitment where rules, structure, and foundations are put in place for a more reliable future.

We tend to forget the effects of our feeds that accompany most of the changes we make. Those effects we do remember, we tend to blow out of proportion for another kind of feed.  We repeat our reluctant responses to the next opportunity for feeding and change. It’s a cycle: Resistance can break it.

Cycle of Feed

Cycle of Feed

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