The Feed Within the Torus

The torus is a vehicle that defines my separateness.

The torus is a vehicle that defines my separateness.

“The torus is a surface generated by the revolution of any closed plane curve or contour about an axis lying in its plane.” (


What is a torus beyond a spacial mathematical model? Let’s investigate it from an energetic perspective.  Its function is interactive with matter. Geometry represents a system of dimensional form. As a system, it has symbolic implications we humans are still seeking to understand. The better I understand the symbolic representations of a system, the more likely I am to affect work within it.

Some enlightened people have made groundbreaking connections between geometry and the behavior of energy. Our universe speaks powerfully of its relationship with specific shapes such as spheres and curves. For example, Earth is a sphere due to the effects of the energetic systems, gravity and magnetism. At the atomic level the torus has a close symbolic association with the dynamic fields generated by the motions of atoms and molecules. The tendency toward bilateral symmetry on earth strongly suggests a structural influence in the design of everything.

The torus symbolically represents the conduit between physical form, based on self beliefs, and what is possible beyond.

The torus, as a field of probabilities, encapsulates an energetic illusion of separateness while protecting the form from potential wholeness. For example, a shell protects a chick until it is capable of breaking through on its own.

The Dynamic Motion of the Torus
The torus has an apple-like appearance energetically with a vortex-like energy flowing within. From an entrance point or central thought processing point above the head of the form spinning  downward through the form itself at the central axis point and continuing downward toward and exiting at a point where the flow changes to an upward spiral that expands out spherically giving the core where the form resides a wide space, like the skin covering an apple, then back to the top and thus begins the cycles again uninterrupted in its motion.

The torus also acts like a cocoon, keeping you in and others of a different belief out. Any information beyond the torus of self is in the form of an awareness of wholeness or oneness. The self is free to interpret benefit or threat. Such a system supports duality by allowing the illusion of resistance through complements while encouraging the forms to think beyond it.

Feeding within the torus is about form having the freedom to experience while having belief of being separate, needing a constant supply of validation to sustain that belief.The stronger the need for reassurance of its separate existence, the more impenetrable the torus becomes to input or output. Without new input, the form must rely only on the recycling of output. Letting go of needs and being willing to consider possibilities loosens the protective grip of torus over the energy flow around the form, allowing new information in and a way to release what is no longer needed. Once full consciousness is achieved, the torus is no longer required except as a vehicle.

Regret, the Silent Feed

Will your dreams of regret wake you up?

Will your dreams of regret wake you up?

When we are in a state of regret, thoughts of what could have been or should have been rerun over and over, forcing our minds and hearts to play a destructive game of detective that seems to result in more frustration and disappointment.

“IF ONLY” is the common theme of regret, like a whirlpool spinning our hearts and minds into a place of private entrapment. More  than intense anger, regret is one of the hardest feelings to shake. Whatever we may imagine we’ve done wrong, negative self judgment can create and maintain an investment that makes regret seem even more real while intensifying those regrets in the process – a self-amplifying loop.

Getting out of the control of a regret feed loop can be as simple as someone accepting you, someone encouraging you, someone introducing humor to your situation, or through medication, counseling, or by other means including pulling yourself up and out by sheer will or a good rest. These may only be temporary interventions, however; creating a  permanent change is ultimately up to you.

Blood Need

Got Blood?

Got Blood?

What is it about the sight of blood that either attracts us or repels us? Maybe it isn’t the blood itself but what it represents. Blood is a powerful symbol for death and life. One of the things all creatures avoid is fear because it too represents death or suffering. Death is regarded as the end of life, whereas birth signals a beginning.  At a minute level, blood cells seem to mimic  as a metaphor  the people in a city. They, the blood cells, bring life to their habitat/environment, they maintain the flow of energy; building as they move through each system, repairing damaged areas with precision and maintaining a liveable environment. So if the blood is corrupted or diminishes, the environment dies. Deep?

Feed For Thought

Endangered species

Endangered species

I find it compelling that over the many eons humans have been on earth, they have experienced incredible struggles and sufferings. We know today that coping skills are created through awareness. The primitive responses we call instinct were attributable to physical needs.

The ability to override such instincts of fight or flight, though miraculous, must have been developed through a conscious awakening of self. I wonder if justification was a psychological fluke, stumbled upon to cope when simple logic of reasoning why or how survival was achieved, when circumstance shouted NO WAY!.  Explaining to fellow humans how ones behaviors overcame circumstances, leading to illogical outcomes, must have been entertaining and confusing then, as it is now. Exercising the mind to accept the possibilities, that challenged logic so defiantly, were truly triumphs of ” mind over matter.” Such fantastic tales must have been met with wonder, fear and suspicion towards the strange survivors.They were likely viewed as “different,” or possibly dangerous to other humans. They might have even been thought of as gods or protected by gods.

The more bizarre the explanation, the more believable the justification for, well… justifying.

Such non-physical adaptations were just as necessary for psychological survival as physical adaptations were and still are, apparently, for survival.  Dual survival consciousness may have driven the need to attach good/bad, right/wrong concepts to justification or judgments, to better convince the ever suspicious human mind.

So, when someone lies, we ought to view such behavior as the miraculous triumph of the human mind, a break through for imagination that physical adaptation alone could not have sparked, plus the constant fear of critics may have helped inspire … or not!


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Stranger Bedfellows

Judgment and Revenge - strange bedfellows.

Judgment and Revenge - strange bedfellows.

Judgment and Revenge – strange bedfellows.

Judgment with revenge is an interesting survival adaptation in humans. It consists of several parts:

  1. Consideration of “evidence” in the light of negative judgment (“They did something wrong”)
  2. A sense of personal injury (“They did it to me or someone I care about”)
  3. A need for balance or personal justice (“someone must pay”)
  4. A plan to balance the scales (“I’ll get them back for this”)
  5. A behavior that satisfies negative emotions of those seeking vengeance.
  6. Satisfaction (“Now we’re even”) justice has been served – seldom actually achieved, BTW
  7. Rationalizing retributions (“They deserved what they got!!”)

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What Are The Chances?


Just business as usual, don't take it personal!

We make judgments every second based on restricted external input and abundant internal perspective. It could be that by developing the mental exercise of assumption, humans have dramatically affected their own evolution, but is it for the better?  In the creature (natural) world, improvement in ability to survive is determined by what has or has not worked (experience based on results). The modifications, based on results, is evolution in action. If evolution acts toward unsuccessful results to improve the probability of successful ones, then every creature’s (predator/prey) ability to survive should be improved through evolutionary tune-ups. The prey would have more “benefits” for survival at least equal to the skills or attributes of a predator. Is there some favoritism going on?

Vibration in Language II

Our hearts seem to need that "common bond" of connection that links us all together.

Our hearts seem to need that "common bond" that links us all together.

I love the idea that languages of all kinds are like music to the heart. I think language elicits connection through developing understanding between two or more individuals. All languages, whether verbal or by other means, is earth life”s way of transmitting information and possibly concern for the survival of one another. It is like a symbolic offering of validation of purpose in a much larger world. It’s a form of reassurance of safety about one’s existence. If you have ever been in a place where no one speaks your language, you know it can be frustrating and scary. When you hear someone speak your language, there is an instant sense of relief, a connection and rapport.

Music and language are like two peas in a pod. They both seem to act as tools  used by both heart and mind to connect our thoughts with intent. Music tends to link our memories to events and emotions. Our hearts seem to need a “common bond.”  So many things go better with music and it should be present as a necessary part in “peace talks” and on the battle field…most definitely!  I think the heart needs what music and other heart languages can offer to take  the brain where it resists going.

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Vibration in Language

I wonder if the main purpose of communication is alignment, the result of which, is connection.

I wonder if the main purpose of communication is alignment, the result of which, is connection.

Resonance, a special kind of vibration, is understood by all earth life. Whichever medium is used, whether gas, liquid, solid or other, communication is based on resonance. The specific resonance of both transmitter and receiver must align in order for communication to occur effectively. I wonder if the main purpose of communication is alignment, the result of which, is connection. Our five basic senses are built to receive resonance. Interpreting resonance is tricky at best because most, if not all interpretations are based on perception and assumption. The brain allows what information it considers relevant to be processed. The same may be the case with information sent out. Although we may have an intended receiver for our communications, the resonance goes out there, regardless of intent. Some information may be conveyed to a wide variety of unintended recipients for random or inaccurate interpretation. (i. e., Facebook). In a perfect world, unintended recipients would be completely neutral and disinterested in your communications, but we can hope our information is safe. Continue reading


If I can see myself in you
And you can see me too,
I think we think a lot alike
In fact I know we do.

Don’t act as though you know me,
Even though I know you do;
And I won’t draw you to myself
Although you’d like me to.

Levels of Awareness

How many levels of awareness are there?

How many levels of awareness are there?

I THINK I am who I am – and you are who you are – and every creature or plant is what it is – separate from me. That makes me wonder if there is a hierarchy of awareness involved here. Basically, I’m aware of myself (roughly my mind – and to a lesser extent, perhaps, my body) as “level1”. Level 1 might be thought of as “inside me.”

I’m also aware of the other humans and animals in my immediate vicinity (maybe “level 2”). I might add to level 2 the awareness of germs that affect my body – not a direct awareness as I can’t sense that level directly, but through education. Level 2 might also include earth (in my immediate vicinity), the sun and stars I can see. Level 2 might be thought of as “outside me.”

I’m unaware beyond that – or am I? Level 3? What would that include? Maybe such things as “sixth sense” – whatever is beyond “inside me” (level 1) and “outside me” (level 2).

How many levels are there? Can I become aware of more than 2?

I’m pretty sketchy on level 1, let alone level 2 (mostly unaware).