Beyond Recognition

Escher hands

I will not draw myself today or then again I might.

Earth and the life on it are moving and changing so fast that it’s not possible to hold it still, even in our mind. Technology keeps a symbolic record of time for us but memories and the feelings associated with them must be carried on and reinterpreted by the Mass Mind Entity-(MME).

“The way things are” is entrained in us throughout our lifetime. What’s best or right as determined by the MME.  Acceptance is the “smart” way to think. Independent thought is marginalized and discouraged as wrong or a potential threat to “peace.” If unconditional peace is the goal, then  unconditional peace may be found through unconditional compliance. Peace is not always happiness.

Do our thoughts reflect the attitude of the MME? Or does the MME reflect ancient thought processes life on this planet continues to holds on to?

What do you think would happen to you if you really thought outside the MME?

Ancient Aliens and Modern Beliefs

Cave painting

Painting is sometimes as good as words when describing something you don't understand.

I have been watching the TV series “Ancient Aliens,” which I find fascinating. One episode considered how early man viewed Gods as super-humans. They witnessed things far beyond their capabilities and perhaps beyond their imagination and needed some kind of justification for what they experienced. How do you justify that which you don’t understand? They did the best they could with what they had.

I can imagine why what they witnessed could fill them with both fear and wonder – I think we would probably behave the same way today given the same understandings about the universe. Today, however, we have much greater understanding, yet we are still filled with wonder and awe at the universe – and many misconceptions! Further, we immediately believe that any creature capable of space travel must be light-years ahead of us technologically – perhaps an unwarranted assumption based solely on our limited frame of reference (our biases and beliefs).

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MME Effect on Food

Walk a mile in my shoes!

Walk a mile in my shoes!

I heard it said years ago, “You are what you eat.”  After many years of trying to put that thought out of my head and denying the truth of it,  I ate and drank whatever I desired without thought of consequence.

I am finally able to agree that diet is a major factor in how I feel, behave and think.

Knowing and changing with information can be a bit more complicated, especially when certain foods have been made so available. Why is that? Why would many foods that cause so much trouble be so irresistible?

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Feeding on Dream Time

With all of the adaptation going on, making things increasingly easier for humans to survive and thrive on earth, why do we require so much sleep? We even require periods of rest while we are active, day dreaming even, unaware we are doing it. The average sleep time per person is about half of our lives.

Where does the mind go while the body is on hold?

The Body As MME

The body is a mass mind entity comprised of single celled creatures choosing to cooperate for the common good.

The body is a mass mind entity comprised of single celled creatures choosing to cooperate for the common good.

The body is comprised of billions or trillions of cells, each with its own sense of self – single celled creatures choosing to cooperate for the common good. This Mass Mind Entity (MME) has a collective consciousness that arises from this cooperative effort.

Just as an organization has a governing body and maybe even a single-person president or ruler, the body as MME has a governing or ruling “class” – the central nervous system including the brain. Within that governing class there is a central ruling group of cells – and perhaps a central ruling cell.

In a well-run organization (MME) the members of the organization (the body) carry out the choices of the organization’s ruling aspect. Yet, generally speaking, not ALL participants in an organization will agree with ALL the ruling body’s choices and some members may even rebel. The same could be said of all MMEs – including our bodies, trying to make the mind understand the limitations of the physical.

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Tapeworms and MMEs

If you were a psychological tapeworm, could you think of a better source of emotional feeding than an emotionally charged mob (MME)?

If you were a psychological tapeworm, could you think of a better source of emotional feeding than an emotionally charged mob (MME)?

Let’s assume for a moment that there are such things as psychological tapeworms – “creatures” that feed on emotional and mental energy. Further, let’s assume for a moment that such creatures can hide their presence and like the tapeworm, become part of the emotional/mental fabric of an individual human (we have loads of emotional and mental energy to feed on compared to other animals).

I ask you: which has more energy, an angry person or an emotionally charged mob of people? Pretty obvious answer, huh? That mob is a Mass Mind Entity (MME).

If you were a psychological tapeworm, could you think of a better source of emotional feeding than an emotionally charged mob (MME)? Given the choice of emotionally charged individual and an emotionally charged MME, I know what I’d choose if I were that tapeworm.

At the core of an MME is an individual or set of individuals who direct the MME’s actions – sort of like the brain directs a body’s actions. All the tapeworm has to do is influence the core MME in order to influence and direct the whole – just like a physical tapeworm does in a human host body.

The physical tapeworm emits strong chemical markers that direct the host’s bodily functions. A “convincing process” of a psychological parasite, such as a tapeworm, would use to direct the host MMEs “appetite”? You might look at mob mentality to get some ideas.

Mass Mind Entities

“Where two or more of you are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them.”

Let’s investigate one life form we seldom think about – mass mind entities (MMEs). For example,  as the “collective mind” of human organizations like religious groups, schools, corporations, governments, mobs, etc. – and yet, the phenomenon seems to exist at all levels of life from single cell amoebas to human beings.

Ants, bees, other social creatures demonstrate a “hive mind” – which is a type of MME. I wonder if there are more MMEs than one might account for on this earth.

MME example: I live in an environment that provides four seasons every year. ALL the creatures and plants in this environment collectively sustain and adapt to that environment, creating a complex two-way interaction in which life and environment are inexplicably entwined – they become an MME. Now, extend that example to include the multi-cell bodies of the creatures that live here, the earth as an MME… then to the solar system… and then the Milky Way galaxy… now beyond…with this as a base of probability, we might think that there is no reality to true individualism.

The Tapeworm Metaphor

A champion feeder, the tapeworm is a kind of parasite that lives on the food in the human gut.

A champion feeder, the tapeworm is a kind of parasite that lives on the food in the human gut.

A champion feeder, the tapeworm is a type of parasite that lives on the food in the human gut. As the worm grows larger, it provides chemical markers to its host that cause the host to eat more food while at the same time hiding the parasite from detection, convincing the body that the worm is actually part of the body. Eventually the worm grows so large that the host cannot provide enough food for it and the worm feeds on its host until both die of starvation.

The salient metaphoric concepts to consider here are:

  • The host is completely unaware of the parasite until it’s too late (assuming no modern medical intervention).
  • The parasite controls the system – telling the host brain to eat more of what the parasite likes.
  • The host often defends the parasite as a necessary part of the body.
  • Eventually, the parasite kills the host – both by eating its flesh and through starvation.

The tapeworm is an effective parasite to the physical body because it can hide and then become part of the host body.

What would such a parasite look like in the emotional/mental realms? Would you recognize it if you had one? As the physical tapeworm parasite hides itself using chemical markers, I doubt you’d perceive a mental/emotional parasite if you had one.

What would such a parasite “look/act like?” How would you know if you had one? How could you prevent infestation? And most importantly, how could you rid yourself of it if you had one?

More on this subject later…

Addictions Part 2

The five senses are the means for a physically oriented input from our world. They have been the quintessential tools for feedback about our physical world from before birth (in the womb). The senses have a specific way of teaching about reality. They dictate what is real and what is not.  Sometimes the input contradicts what we experience or more importantly, what we think we should experience. We then do what is necessary to maintain our truth by seeking agreement about that truth. If we are going to twist reality to match our truth, then defense for bending the rules of reality must be ever a possibility as the search for agreement continues.


Validating Justification

I dislike feeling hungry, but the inevitable feed must take place. The wide array of choices for feeding we have created is an indication of how flexible we have become at the greatest of all needs… the feed.

Feeding at the physical level is like the one at the inter-dimensionally, feeding satisfies the need to consume to survive.

Inter-dimensional feeding is – the inner self world of thought. It is a world where we can be right about whatever we need to be right about and is addictive.  Justification isn’t encouraged, it is expected. It starts with “I’m OK, and you’re OK,”  then works its way up to “I’m more than OK, I’m right” and you can be right too if you agree with me, and as every one knows, you can’t get any better than right, that’s where the feed is , that’s where the need is.

The feed is a negative one that is disguised to taste sweet and we want more of it. The defense of rightness is called justification and justification generates resistance because it keeps us separate, an unnatural state for life to thrive here.

Validating justification is like feeding a crocodile hoping it will eat you last. Ex: When I feel scared, I need agreement to my reasons. Like a door opening to provide an escape from self, from reality.  Once I feel acknowledged or I perceive agreement for my defense, I feel passified in my perceived rightness.