I dislike feeling hungry, but the inevitable feed must take place. The wide array of choices for feeding we have created is an indication of how flexible we have become at the greatest of all needs… the feed.
Feeding at the physical level is like the one at the inter-dimensionally, feeding satisfies the need to consume to survive.
Inter-dimensional feeding is – the inner self world of thought. It is a world where we can be right about whatever we need to be right about and is addictive. Justification isn’t encouraged, it is expected. It starts with “I’m OK, and you’re OK,” then works its way up to “I’m more than OK, I’m right” and you can be right too if you agree with me, and as every one knows, you can’t get any better than right, that’s where the feed is , that’s where the need is.
The feed is a negative one that is disguised to taste sweet and we want more of it. The defense of rightness is called justification and justification generates resistance because it keeps us separate, an unnatural state for life to thrive here.
Validating justification is like feeding a crocodile hoping it will eat you last. Ex: When I feel scared, I need agreement to my reasons. Like a door opening to provide an escape from self, from reality. Once I feel acknowledged or I perceive agreement for my defense, I feel passified in my perceived rightness.