If you were a psychological tapeworm, could you think of a better source of emotional feeding than an emotionally charged mob (MME)?
Let’s assume for a moment that there are such things as psychological tapeworms – “creatures” that feed on emotional and mental energy. Further, let’s assume for a moment that such creatures can hide their presence and like the tapeworm, become part of the emotional/mental fabric of an individual human (we have loads of emotional and mental energy to feed on compared to other animals).
I ask you: which has more energy, an angry person or an emotionally charged mob of people? Pretty obvious answer, huh? That mob is a Mass Mind Entity (MME).
If you were a psychological tapeworm, could you think of a better source of emotional feeding than an emotionally charged mob (MME)? Given the choice of emotionally charged individual and an emotionally charged MME, I know what I’d choose if I were that tapeworm.
At the core of an MME is an individual or set of individuals who direct the MME’s actions – sort of like the brain directs a body’s actions. All the tapeworm has to do is influence the core MME in order to influence and direct the whole – just like a physical tapeworm does in a human host body.
The physical tapeworm emits strong chemical markers that direct the host’s bodily functions. A “convincing process” of a psychological parasite, such as a tapeworm, would use to direct the host MMEs “appetite”? You might look at mob mentality to get some ideas.
re: What “chemistry” might a psychological tapeworm use to direct the host MMEs “body”?
“One-up-manship” comes to mind. I might start the ball rolling by saying I don’t like something; you add something like, “well that’s bad alright, but how about THIS?!!” – pointing out some injustice I’d overlooked or was not attending to. Then the next guy says, “Yeah, that’s bad alright, but here’s something even WORSE about this…” and the ball gets rolling. At a certain critical juncture, we all come to a consensus – an agreement based on emotional charge – Truth be damned! Evidence be damned!
From that critical time, the mind of the “beast” takes over. Perhaps the “beast” has always existed and simply floats from MME to MME, I don’t know.
That’s the negative side. On a more positive side, groups can do much good in the world, too. For example, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD) has helped prevent thousands of deaths on America’s roadways. And philanthropic groups like the Red Cross save and improve quality of life every day.
I guess what I’m saying is that one must not assume that an MME is an evil or bad thing – just like you wouldn’t think of an amoeba as a bad thing – or a bird or fish or slug – a creature is a creature – the “good-bad” label is of our own design based on how we feel about their behavior or what results from their behavior.
The concept of a psychological parasite feeding on the negative thoughts of a mass mind is indeed intriguing as it fits the pattern for survival on earth (and elsewhere, too, perhaps) – that of organisms feeding off other organisms in a food chain. Makes me wonder what feeds on the psychological parasite (tapeworm).
If the inter-dimensional systems mimic those of this dimension, the prey far out number the predators. A good feed by a predator could satisfy it for some time before more feeding is desired.
There seems to be a pattern to feeding, like breakfast, lunch and dinner. A snake need only feed once a week or so, a lion can go for several days and hibernating animals can go even longer without a feed, but make up for the lull time by overfeeding in order to prepare for the next hibernation.
When the mind and body are truly at rest, the psychological feed ends. A period of replenishing follows a feed, giving the host time to heal before the next feed.
A parasite at the physical or psychic level of awareness can continue to feed even while the host sleeps. The feed requires a sacrifice of life on the part of the host. The host doesn’t know this consciously, but is complying because the parasite is in charge.
I wonder at what point the parasite and host become one and the same mind. What or who may be feeding on you and is willing to make you the sacrifice in order to satisfy its parasitic needs?
If the feeders are of this dimension or if your assumption about inter-dimensional systems is correct, your logic feels correct to me.
The time between feeds not only allows the host time to heal, it also allows time for the feeder to heal, replenish, and grow.
I, too, wonder where the tipping point is when the host relinquishes control to the parasite. I suspect it is fairly early on in the development of the relationship. It makes me wonder about those times in between feeds when the parasite is resting – might I then experience my own mind and emotions? It occurs to me that a particularly adept parasite might mimic my mind so I wouldn’t recognize any difference between my mind and the mind of the parasite.
How about this scenario:
Let’s say that a prospective mother and/or father are infected with an emotional parasite. Might it be possible for the parasite, as part of its reproductive cycle, to infest the consummation of mother and father into the fetus? In which case, the parasite might be so integral to the newborn child as to be indistinguishable from the mind of the child. Our “solution” to the resulting emotional instability in the child might be medication and emotional distance and/or emotional distress – further deadening their already under siege mind – making the child even weaker and therefore easier prey for the parasite.
Just wondering…
That makes sense; a psychological parasite needs to be just as careful about its detection as a physical one. The threat of being detected by the host is always a possibility for the parasite and the parasite, once threatened, can be even more aggressive in its control of its host.
A narcotic – like influence is used by a parasite to make the host more receptive to its control and may even assume the mental thought processes of its captor. The parasite is hungry, you start feeling hungry and feed the parasite. When the parasite injects its influence into the body, then the chemicals or other influences can render the host unconsciously compliant to the parasite’s will. It then has the ability to stay in control as long as it is not detected and removed.
Psychological tapeworm
Physical tapeworm