The body is a mass mind entity comprised of single celled creatures choosing to cooperate for the common good.
The body is comprised of billions or trillions of cells, each with its own sense of self – single celled creatures choosing to cooperate for the common good. This Mass Mind Entity (MME) has a collective consciousness that arises from this cooperative effort.
Just as an organization has a governing body and maybe even a single-person president or ruler, the body as MME has a governing or ruling “class” – the central nervous system including the brain. Within that governing class there is a central ruling group of cells – and perhaps a central ruling cell.
In a well-run organization (MME) the members of the organization (the body) carry out the choices of the organization’s ruling aspect. Yet, generally speaking, not ALL participants in an organization will agree with ALL the ruling body’s choices and some members may even rebel. The same could be said of all MMEs – including our bodies, trying to make the mind understand the limitations of the physical.
Assuming that the cells of the body know they are part of a MME, they must know that they cannot survive outside the organization to which they belong – their very survival depends on them retaining their membership in and supporting the MME. What does a cell do if it disagrees with the ruling class? It can’t leave (and live). It can’t destroy its neighbors without incurring retaliation from the rest of the MME’s members whose job it is to keep the status quo.
Rebellion, therefore, must be more subtle – rebelling cells must figure out a way to “voice” their concerns without harming sibling cells. Problems arise when the ruling class is out of touch with its constituency – when choices are based solely on the likes and dislikes of the ruling cells.
Further, as the ruling class becomes stronger in its demands, the overall MME consciousness changes from “one for all” to “all for one” mentality. Some cells will become increasingly unhappy with this arrangement and feel increasingly willing to rebel.
Some thoughts to consider.
Psychologically, the body MME must be identical with what we experience of the person – the “I” that appears to inhabit the body may instead BE the body MME.
Just as no cell exists within the body in isolation, the body MME exists within an environmental MME – on many levels. THAT body/environment MME must create a mind, too – one that can be identified specifically.
My mind has the tendency to piece out MMEs into their constituent aspects – “My arm hurts” – “I have a headache” – etc. Perhaps one aspect is speaking louder than others, yet ALL aspects must be affected and are actively participating because ALL are aspects of ONE Mass Mind Entity – the body.
Extend that body MME into the larger environment, and I could say that a pain in my arm, for example, affects the ENVIRONMENT in which my body exists.
Extend my immediate physical environment into other dimensions, other levels of experience – who knows how many? – and I begin to understand that “I” includes quite a bit…
Every cell is part of a system or systems of MMEs – even before a cell comes into existence, there is a reason for its creation. It is the unknown element that can put systems to the test, triggering , what appear to be, unpredictable responses from the MME that can seem like the MME is out of control or inconsistent when bringing validating support to specific dis-eased systems. I wonder, when I experience MME action on a scale unfamiliar to me, am I right to be concerned?
It’s non-mathematical: 1+1=1. One MME plus another MME still equals one MME. Further, multiple MMEs combining together still equals one MME.
Makes me wonder if there even is such a thing as A single mind. ANY mind cannot exist alone. No entity can exist alone – EVERYthing exists within an environment. One plus One cannot equal One.
No matter how you cut it, MMEs are always a single MME (1+1=1) that can NEVER be a single MME (1+1?1).
It’s a conflict that cannot be solved.
With that terrifying conclusion, it would seem that whatever one does affects the whole. This reminds me of the Borg on Star Trek; when one Borg got out of line (sinc), it was eradicated… (1-1 still=1), makes me wonder if their individual contribution made a difference? If individual contribution is just assisting in what the MME wants expressed, then perhaps it is a matter of numbers doing the job and not how the job is done.
Why do we work so hard at being; special, unique or different if the contribution we make is both coming from and returning to the MME?
Change may be inevitable and change may be your job to help implement for the MME, knowing this can at least eliminate the expectation and eventual disappointment regarding personal gain.
This is so weird. 1-1=1, too? Egad! No matter what you do, the math always comes out ONE and NOT ONE. Illusions anyone?
An exercise for improving the functioning of my Body MME is found at http://powerstates.com/smile-for-health. An imagery in which one imagines shrinking down to microbe size, going inside their own body, traveling to all the various areas of the body (on the inside – brain, face, chest/heart/lungs, abdomen, arms, legs, etc.) and SMILING with approval at each area, worked well for me to speed up recovery after a particularly virulent cold I was struggling with a few years ago. I should have recalled the exercise again when I was recovering from surgery, but didn’t. No time like the present to practice it again, though.
From PowerStates:
“When I smile approvingly at myself in the mirror, I signal to my body a social approval closer to me than any other society.” That “society” is my body’s mass mind – the combined thoughts of all the cells in my body.
Smiling at the mirror has the advantage of being much more gross compared to an imagery that may or may not seem as real to me as the image in the mirror – depending upon how real I can make my imagery seem to me. One advantage of the internal imagery is that it can be more specific – targeting areas unseen in the mirror.
This is good stuff, thanks! Perhaps the way to be more in harmony with MME is to let go of the illusions or delusions of grandeur which, I suppose we all share to some degree, and learn to love what we do for the sake of love. These mental/emotional exercises can help, I think, in creating for yourself the one independent thing you can contribute to the MME: an awareness of the MME and an intention to fulfill what you do to the best of your ability – or not.
I think our main “problem” – particularly in the West, but I suspect elsewhere, too – is that we “value” people like we value products. A person is “worthy” of our attention/love if they come up to some standard we impose on them. We “measure” worth like commodities in the West – as though a human can be valued on a scale.
Gold, for example, has a value – imposed upon it by “the market,” which is an artificial construct created by humans to support commerce. In a truly “free” market, everybody trades by the same standard – and everyone prospers accordingly. But when we impose market psychology onto people, something interesting happens: pathology (e.g., megalomania, greed, avarice, dishonesty, etc.). This phenomena in human societies (MMEs) creates hierarchies that keep some down (e.g., slaves) while others bask in luxury based not on merit or effort but simply by luck (born to the right family, etc.).
The only solution I can see to this phenomenon is for each individual to separate the market (commodities) from human relations. Stop valuing rich folks over poor folks (more than just in principle – DO IT!). Stop valuing yourself based on others – hold everyone in high esteem and then BEHAVE ACCORDINGLY!
Easy to say – perhaps much more difficult to do (certainly, I struggle with this).