Beyond Recognition

Escher hands

I will not draw myself today or then again I might.

Earth and the life on it are moving and changing so fast that it’s not possible to hold it still, even in our mind. Technology keeps a symbolic record of time for us but memories and the feelings associated with them must be carried on and reinterpreted by the Mass Mind Entity-(MME).

“The way things are” is entrained in us throughout our lifetime. What’s best or right as determined by the MME.  Acceptance is the “smart” way to think. Independent thought is marginalized and discouraged as wrong or a potential threat to “peace.” If unconditional peace is the goal, then  unconditional peace may be found through unconditional compliance. Peace is not always happiness.

Do our thoughts reflect the attitude of the MME? Or does the MME reflect ancient thought processes life on this planet continues to holds on to?

What do you think would happen to you if you really thought outside the MME?

5 thoughts on “Beyond Recognition

  1. I’m pretty sure I know what happens when you think outside the MME – problems! I think agreement is at the base of MME; without it, there is no MME. I think a MME would feel threatened by a rebellious individual – and initiate countermeasures to protect the status quo (the group) from such individualism. In the case of cancer, for example, one means of preserving the rest of the body from cancerous individuals is surgery – removal (death) of the offending rebel body part.

    I’m uncertain how valuable individualism is in a modern human society. I suppose it depends on what or how much of one’s personhood one must surrender to the MME. Within a functioning MME there is room for individual thought – as long as it gets validation from enough others to become agreeable to the whole AND the individual thought can be incorporated into the MME as part of its body of social justifications or raison d’être.

    I think humans are actually new to MME psychology and so have much to learn about that dynamic. When/if we ever do, though… WOW!

    • I don’t think any human has ever fully experienced being “individual” either physically or psychologically. We are trained to follow, to  submit to the MME’s will.

      Our bodies represent the MME in microcosm. The only part of MME that we can affect, is through agreement, share ideas that will incorporate your ideas while simultaneously promoting MME, convince the MME it is in their best interest as well as yours to find agreement. ex: If a hand is amputated, the arm wants to replace it with the same system in order to maintain the same program. If the doctor introduces a mechanical hand, the MME be resistant but eventually will work with the new hand.

      • re: context and meaning
        Yes, the lifeform is not independent of its environment (context). Evolution/adaptation is a dance between life and its environment – just as communication is a dance between symbol and context (i.e., word meanings and the context in which they are used).

        PLUS – another ingredient: agreement. Without agreement on the meanings of both symbols and context, there can be no communication. That’s why we invented dictionaries – and then subscribed (agreed) to their definitions.

        Again, three ingredients for effective communication (might the same be applied to evolution and adaptation?):

        1. Environment/context
        2. Symbol/representation
        3. Agreement


        • I agree with your 3 ingredients for effective communication.

          Like a 3-legged stool, if any one of these ingredients is missing, the other two will not mean squat!

          How many people does it take to hold up a 3-legged stool?

          • Wouldn’t you think that a concept with as few as three ingredients would be simple? I’m reminded of the games of checkers and pente – easy to learn and play – much more difficult to master.

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