It’s becoming more and more evident that aliens have and are still visiting earth. Further, that these visits appear to have a purpose related to humans. For example, rocket scientists from Hitler’s Germany, either captured or enlisted by the US and USSR, claim they received “assistance” from extraterrestrial sources. Perhaps they were just “sweetening the pot” so to speak, in hopes of cutting themselves a better deal with whichever side they found themselves.
For the sake of interest, let’s say they did receive “inspiration” of some kind from beings outside our earthly realm. My question then is, “Why?”
What possible purpose might an extraterrestrial race find in interfering with human evolution, human politics, day-to-day human activities?
Whatever the purposes or reasons, why the secrecy?
And why the smear campaign on those who report sightings?
Wow! What if aliens communicated the secrets of the A-bomb to humans (particularly those willing to use the new technology to such devastating effect)? I’ve heard it said that Americans are ice age humans with nuclear weapons. We’ve grown technologically proficient faster than we’ve grown in the wisdom to use that tech responsibly.
What if “feeding” is not the purpose of alien interference? I wonder if the “purpose” might instead be entertainment – ya gotta admit, humans are intensely entertaining for species intelligent enough to enjoy it.
“Theater Earth”
Having been to the zoo on numerous occasions, I had begun to wonder who was watching whom? There are endless ways humans are entertaining to other humans. Humor can even be derived from moments of misfortune as long as we understand the humor is meant to cheer up a sad situation. However, with so much division, contention and misunderstanding in the world, it is difficult for me, a human, to see the entertainment value in heartache and loss of human life, the breaking up of human connection or loss of hope.
If entertainment is what they are after then I wonder if they are desiring or expecting more of the same.
Consider how entertaining we find other species. If an alien species were watching us, they might find us at least as entertaining. Who knows what they might think of us – I’ll wager it’s not the same as what we think of ourselves, though.
re: If entertainment is what they are after then I wonder if they are desiring or expecting more of the same.
Don’t you?
Hey, if we really are “of them”, perhaps we share a like for the same kinds of entertainment (i.e., a genetic predisposition) – we’re just limited by our morals and personal and societal norms – while they are not.
It’s hard not to take national secrecy personally, there are so many questions the american people deserve to have the answers to, especially if answers are had by our leaders. The “people” will find the answers on their own eventually.
There are many things that can divide people; a lack of understanding is usually at the center of it.. A little clarity can bring unity or at least an opportunity for it. If there has been genetic engineering of humans and “if” the possibility exists that humans carry within their DNA, the genes of extraterrestrial beings, I think we may very likely be from different origins.
As far as secrecy goes, if we knew the truth, we would probably be divided about it. This is a dimension of duality – any chance of a different scenario is of great interest to me.
Secrecy tends to generate mystery, don’t you think? If you’re like me, you just LOVE to solve a mystery. Somehow, my tiny brain just won’t abide an unsolved mystery.
IF we (humans) are of extraterrestrial origin, then perhaps they, too, enjoy a good mystery. Nothing better than a little seasoning of secrecy to bring out the flavor of a good story… 😉
Perhaps the reason we have been left alone by the one type of extraterrestrial is their curiosity and concern while another may be less intelligent and less interested in us as humans as they are in how they can develop us into something more appropriate for their needs.
We’ve discussed the “for their needs” concept before – it’s the very reason this blog is called “Feeders” instead of “Entertainers” or “Alien Encounters” or some such. Based on the evidence we’ve seen so far, there is no doubt in my mind there is some kind of “other worldly” intervention – but as yet, the evidence is not clear as to why such intervention has occurred. I certainly wonder, too.
I’m almost afraid to find out for sure why – I think I might not like what I learn.
I like the idea of entertainment as the “purpose” for alien visitation and intervention. Suppose an alien race found a wild planet-bound species with high intelligence – intelligent enough to invent and use technology, but not wise enough to use their technology or their intelligence to their mutual benefit – and ESPECIALLY not smart enough to figure out how to escape the confines of their own planet!
Suppose then, that said alien race could influence said planet-bound specie. And further, that said alien race is BORED and likes to be entertained (think a million years after the invention of the TV – after many millenia of the same old stuff, wouldn’t you think you’d like something “different” to watch? Maybe they do, too).
Suppose now that these aliens don’t give a flying crap about our morals, our “10 commandments” or any other “code of [human] conduct” – they’re aliens! What if all they really care about is TV ratings on their planet?! Consider that we don’t mind subjecting ourselves and other earthly species to all kinds of immoral practices for entertainment’s sake.
IF these conditions above were met, then said alien race would feel no compunction whatsoever in intervening into whichever human group might accept intervention – accelerating some groups while watching what happens to others when they do. They’d be completely amoral about it – not caring at all who gets hurt (it’s not gonna be them!).
Suppose one or more of their “TV Crews” crash landed on earth. Humans would be considered savage beasts to them – and so they might have some fears (which, btw, we’d no doubt prove valid). Their “network” might immediately get to work minimizing the damage – if they were found out, it might spoil the “plot” and ruin the effect – and thus the entertainment value could sink and they lose rating points.
“Tonight on ABC News (Alien Broadcast Company) – TV crew crash lands after having mag-eng troubles. Surrounded by wild beasts, they may not make it out alive! Details at 11…”
“Today on “Days of our Human Lives” – Harry gives Doug the go-ahead to deliver the device and wipe out half the population of Japan! You don’t want to miss this exciting episode!”
Possible? Probable? Absurd?