This is the first in a series on feeder types. We can identify with life in so many ways. This is just another way of looking at how we analyze and utilize information bytes. Though not intended to be taken seriously, there may be something to their symbolic meanings that touch each of us.
A Bottom Feeder chooses to scavenge at the final resting place of semi-digested thought material – that most feeders think is beneath them. This feeder is sometimes looked at as different or a loner because they are critical thinkers. They like to dredge up past and present scandals in minutia not meant to be mulled over in the light. They have a taste for secrets intended to be left alone and unremembered in the dark – that when exposed can cause emotional or physical distress for those who could be affected by those secrets. They are satiated best when raking muck and even more so when given credit for so doing.
Bottom Feeders have a propensity for remembering things – especially things others would rather forget. They are keen to drag up embarrassing or hurtful memories at times when they can elicit the most emotional energy. They remember where the bones are buried and like to rattle them now and then.
Their view is broad-based, connecting one bit of information to the whole. Seeing the bigger picture of people’s behaviors over time, they create ways to bring out the basest of emotions for a feed. They prefer dark to lighthearted humor, exposing things we all would rather not look at. Some are able to present the ugly side of truth in a palatable way that makes us laugh at ourselves and feel safe at the same time. They would love sharing the darkest news from a critical perspective – preferring to go deeper into the matter than would other types of feeders.
It takes a Bottom Feeder to break down and stir up what others reject and discard. In the process of raking up the muck they invite another feed. There are many who have learned to rake muck, leaving the world a funnier and less emotionally toxic place to live.