Researchers give a lot of credence to the role DNA plays in mapping out the fundamental characteristics of our bodies. There may be no end to what the DNA is responsible for in our lives. Consider the possibility that DNA may be directly responsible for our choices – more than just a powerful influence. Sometimes what attracts or repels our interest is so strong that our bodies and minds produce chemical and electro-magnetic responses validating those choices. Our dreams may also be affected by DNA – revealing in its own language the vast record of experiences passed down to us from limitless beings to those of us willing to let go of reality judgments within our dreams. Our dreams seem to offer little choice as to content or logic where experiential perception is concerned.
DNA Hoarding
Since life began here and perhaps even a pre-earth, development of single and multi-cell organisms have gone through innumerable evolutionary adaptions. In that time span, the genetic blueprints of all those organisms have been incorporated into modern DNA. Blueprints carrying information pertaining to form, function and successful survival strategies were needed by each succeeding generation for success in survival, DNA or its equivalent is in everything from vegetable to animal and actually minerals, too. A crystal can heal itself in the right environment.
What actually is in those multitudes of DNA instructions? Scientists theorize that the vital codes hidden within the DNA molecules contain the secrets of life and more, from what is beneficial or threatening to environmental patterns and symbolism. These amazing microscopic instructions instituted for achieving optimal success for both psychological empowerment an physical efficiency.
Who Else is Feeding on Me?
With such technological advancements in cell research, it’s no wonder we are able to find out, in detail, what is sharing our life’s journey. But what if there are other creatures, also tagging along, that are even more or less friendly to our well being? What if the praise for our “good work!” is going to the wrong source? If the influence we are getting, through “inspiration,” is not coming from our own mind, where is it coming from? Conversely, if the “bad idea” brings trouble we didn’t even know we caused, might this not be frustrating? Wouldn’t the conditions we find ourselves facing, lead us to replay our behaviors and thoughts over and over to find a reasonable explanation for what we do? Then, after justifying what we have done, isn’t it just easier or more convenient to blame or deny accountability? The “devil made me do it” may not be so unbelievable. The devil may be another name for what our scientists would call the unknown or non-existent . Our unearthly shadows, though illusive, seem to be making their presence known through our thoughts and behaviors.
Who Am I Really?
My body is made up of some 10^24 cells. For those who can’t count that high, let me put that into perspective – it’s a WHOLE LOT of cells! A few of those cells – like those in my gut – are not human. They are single-celled bacteria, fungus, and plants living on my body and the food I intake. These tiny organisms have their own “consciousness” – they appear to have volition and the ability to hunt, gather, escape, and etc.
How much of my body is human and how much is non-human, then? According to Paul Hawken of the University of Portland, “In each of you are one quadrillion cells, 90 percent of which are not human cells.”
WHAT?!!! MOST of “me” is NOT ME?!!
If our consciousness is derived from the individual consciousnesses of all the cells in our bodies – a world within a world where each cell, creature and plant within that world contributes to the consciousness of the whole – then…
Hmmm… I wonder…
Safe? or Right?
From the womb to being legally of age, we are subject to the will and perspectives of an adult world. Most kids are capable of being the judge and jury by the time they are five. Reasoning can only be practiced by those brave enough to suppress the addictive need to be right in favor of finding the truth. Everyone wants another chance to feel the safeness of innocence by releasing the heavy burdens of rightness. Giving up the skilled adaptation of judging, beyond true survival needs, for the daily monotony of allowing things to just be whatever they are, could create a peace of mind that defies medication.
Blood Need
What is it about the sight of blood that either attracts us or repels us? Maybe it isn’t the blood itself but what it represents. Blood is a powerful symbol for death and life. One of the things all creatures avoid is fear because it too represents death or suffering. Death is regarded as the end of life, whereas birth signals a beginning. At a minute level, blood cells seem to mimic as a metaphor the people in a city. They, the blood cells, bring life to their habitat/environment, they maintain the flow of energy; building as they move through each system, repairing damaged areas with precision and maintaining a liveable environment. So if the blood is corrupted or diminishes, the environment dies. Deep?
Frusration of Feeding
Frustration, IMO is the hindering of human potential through the binding of hopes and dreams to stubbornness and pride.
It would appear that humans have developed an ability to hold conflicting or counter balancing concepts simultaneously. The heart communicating in one language and the mind in another. The earth, with its complements of balancing opposites, gives humans and other life forms a choice of how to view life through a kaleidoscope of systems . Choices however, from a logical point of view only confuses people. What we get daily at least in the western world, is a barrage of chances to be right, over and over. Being wrong is also a strong possibility, but acknowledging failure to be right rather than a harmony of two voices finding harmony by meeting in the middle, but a language of perceptual logic intending to dominate the other language, that of the heart and therefore the body as well. The heart has acted as the interpreter through physical support for the mental construct’s will, for a very long time. In a perfect world, the heart could express hopes and dreams and the mind would support the heart. Just recently, within the last few hundred years, a kind of push pull energy has been going on between the mental construct, associated with masculine energy and feelings from the heart and body, associated with the female energy. Perhaps the roles of women in various societies is symbolic evidence of the changes that are beginning to take place in our own mind/heart, body systems. In spite of our use of imagination and sophisticated development of justification and judgment,

The idea of the heart being equal in leadership ability with the mind is still very controversial. This is why frustration is such an untapped resource.
When humans move beyond a need to control others and dominate their own feelings, We will begin to balance our own energy and end the energy draining problem, that are unrestricted feeding stations at this time.
Feeding the Environment
It’s possible that the lack of sufficient oxygen in the environment could have contributed to inhibiting single cell life to evolve into multi-cell organisms. There is something to be said for being a mufti-cell adaptation, speaking strictly from a non-biased position on the subject, of course.There does seem to be positive and negative views about flesh oriented collagen, it does have some drawbacks, like having to get it from cows, pigs and human cadavers.
I read an article on a new source of collagen that interested me, Tobacco, a vegetable or plant species could be more Collagen friendly source to the vegetarian, at least as a potential substitute for animal based Collagen. The article is in the Science Daily June 10, 2010, called Collagen Manufactured from Transgenic Tobacco Plants by Robert H. Smith a scientist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
There may be other factors that affected the change in types of nutrient requirements. Perhaps the loss of availability to their customary diet, or having Collagen introduced synthetically from an external source or maybe a combination of the two… or something else entirely.
It makes me wonder if nature had help or a hindrance to what was intended to evolve here.
Controlling Feeding
What if this dimension could expand to include other dimensions, would we be able to handle it? What if this would require our letting go of the judgments of right/wrong, or good/bad? Could we let go of something that is as normal to us as breathing? How do you just stop doing what you believe you have to do? It seems impossible!
- “Stop comparing things in terms of right or wrong, good or bad? No way I’m doing that!!”
- “I consider myself a fair (good/right) person, I only call things the way they are, the way my mind and heart tell me to.”
- “How wrong can that be?”
Humans instruct their young as early as possible to think good/ bad, right/ wrong. Among the first impressions human children get from their world are based on negative adult response, i.e., “Stop that,” “Don’t do that,” “Shame on you,” “That’s a no no, “That’s a bad boy!”, etc..
Producing a Feed
If it’s true that it requires focus and self discipline of one’s mind to stay in the present, we may wish to find ways to do that. If there is a feed taking place beyond your own interest, something that needs our minds to obsess on frustration, something influencing us to take our minds out of the present. Knowing how to get back in control of our own thoughts would potentially stop the feeding.
The emotional cost is what interests me from a standpoint of its mental and physical toll. Every emotion we experience is not just mental exercises, they strongly affect the body’s ability to perform normal functions.
There have been so many stydies done on how the body and mind are affected by over stimulation of emotional states, particularly negative emotions.