With such technological advancements in cell research, it’s no wonder we are able to find out, in detail, what is sharing our life’s journey. But what if there are other creatures, also tagging along, that are even more or less friendly to our well being? What if the praise for our “good work!” is going to the wrong source? If the influence we are getting, through “inspiration,” is not coming from our own mind, where is it coming from? Conversely, if the “bad idea” brings trouble we didn’t even know we caused, might this not be frustrating? Wouldn’t the conditions we find ourselves facing, lead us to replay our behaviors and thoughts over and over to find a reasonable explanation for what we do? Then, after justifying what we have done, isn’t it just easier or more convenient to blame or deny accountability? The “devil made me do it” may not be so unbelievable. The devil may be another name for what our scientists would call the unknown or non-existent . Our unearthly shadows, though illusive, seem to be making their presence known through our thoughts and behaviors.
4 thoughts on “Who Else is Feeding on Me?”
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Those “earthly shadows” you speak of… outside the detection of our technologically extended senses… what could they be, IF they be?
IF there are such “creatures” and they actually do influence us, then we definitely should be busy working on ways of detecting them – and perhaps slowing down our persecution of those who already can detect them… maybe…
I think there will always be persecutions because of the huge variations of perspectives that exist here. To be wary is to be alive. Even the most naive individuals are not so trusting to assume that technology can unveil every mystery.
One scientific theory that resonates with my thinking is the possibility of overlapping dimensions that resemble or even mirror our own. Perhaps life in such worlds exert an influence on the behaviors and thoughts generated in our dimension.
To go a step further, we may be influencing them, what or whoever they are, and they too may be wondering how that is happening.
So many rabbit holes… so few certainties…
At the super-microscopic and super-macroscopic levels – as well as the “unseen universe” beyond our senses – there may be influences so completely out of our awareness capabilities – yet within the awareness of those sensitive to the “frequencies” of those beings (if there are such beings and if they do indeed influence us) – that they simply cannot be detected using technology we would recognize.
For me it’s a tough nut – all these “influences” can be accounted for by simple natural processes we already know and understand – OR – they could be the result of influences totally out of my capability to detect.There is no way to satisfactorily determine which is the truth.
On the big questions – I can only say I think it unlikely that there is a God that intervenes in our affairs – but because nobody can prove otherwise, I can’t say with any degree of certainty that there is NO God – just as I can’t say with any degree of certainty that there IS one. The only certainty I have is uncertainty – I just don’t know (maybe can’t know).
The concept of “others” feeding on us is a theory that so far requires faith to belief – since we either have no technology to detect such or we lack the desire to investigate. Either way, we have no evidence other than experience on which to base a belief. That’s troublesome to me.
Fortunately for you and others similarly gifted, the evidence cupboard is not entirely empty – it includes a wealth of anecdotal evidence – observations by literally millions of people over many thousands of years.
I figure anyone who says we are at the pinnacle of human evolution has some learning to do about evolution and humanity. And anyone claiming that what we cannot detect something doesn’t exist, has a lot of just plain learning to do.
I sit strongly in the “I don’t know” camp – that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.