Feed For Thought

Endangered species

Endangered species

I find it compelling that over the many eons humans have been on earth, they have experienced incredible struggles and sufferings. We know today that coping skills are created through awareness. The primitive responses we call instinct were attributable to physical needs.

The ability to override such instincts of fight or flight, though miraculous, must have been developed through a conscious awakening of self. I wonder if justification was a psychological fluke, stumbled upon to cope when simple logic of reasoning why or how survival was achieved, when circumstance shouted NO WAY!.  Explaining to fellow humans how ones behaviors overcame circumstances, leading to illogical outcomes, must have been entertaining and confusing then, as it is now. Exercising the mind to accept the possibilities, that challenged logic so defiantly, were truly triumphs of ” mind over matter.” Such fantastic tales must have been met with wonder, fear and suspicion towards the strange survivors.They were likely viewed as “different,” or possibly dangerous to other humans. They might have even been thought of as gods or protected by gods.

The more bizarre the explanation, the more believable the justification for, well… justifying.

Such non-physical adaptations were just as necessary for psychological survival as physical adaptations were and still are, apparently, for survival.  Dual survival consciousness may have driven the need to attach good/bad, right/wrong concepts to justification or judgments, to better convince the ever suspicious human mind.

So, when someone lies, we ought to view such behavior as the miraculous triumph of the human mind, a break through for imagination that physical adaptation alone could not have sparked, plus the constant fear of critics may have helped inspire … or not!


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Stranger Bedfellows

Judgment and Revenge - strange bedfellows.

Judgment and Revenge - strange bedfellows.

Judgment and Revenge – strange bedfellows.

Judgment with revenge is an interesting survival adaptation in humans. It consists of several parts:

  1. Consideration of “evidence” in the light of negative judgment (“They did something wrong”)
  2. A sense of personal injury (“They did it to me or someone I care about”)
  3. A need for balance or personal justice (“someone must pay”)
  4. A plan to balance the scales (“I’ll get them back for this”)
  5. A behavior that satisfies negative emotions of those seeking vengeance.
  6. Satisfaction (“Now we’re even”) justice has been served – seldom actually achieved, BTW
  7. Rationalizing retributions (“They deserved what they got!!”)

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What Are The Chances?


Just business as usual, don't take it personal!

We make judgments every second based on restricted external input and abundant internal perspective. It could be that by developing the mental exercise of assumption, humans have dramatically affected their own evolution, but is it for the better?  In the creature (natural) world, improvement in ability to survive is determined by what has or has not worked (experience based on results). The modifications, based on results, is evolution in action. If evolution acts toward unsuccessful results to improve the probability of successful ones, then every creature’s (predator/prey) ability to survive should be improved through evolutionary tune-ups. The prey would have more “benefits” for survival at least equal to the skills or attributes of a predator. Is there some favoritism going on?

Vibration in Language II

Our hearts seem to need that "common bond" of connection that links us all together.

Our hearts seem to need that "common bond" that links us all together.

I love the idea that languages of all kinds are like music to the heart. I think language elicits connection through developing understanding between two or more individuals. All languages, whether verbal or by other means, is earth life”s way of transmitting information and possibly concern for the survival of one another. It is like a symbolic offering of validation of purpose in a much larger world. It’s a form of reassurance of safety about one’s existence. If you have ever been in a place where no one speaks your language, you know it can be frustrating and scary. When you hear someone speak your language, there is an instant sense of relief, a connection and rapport.

Music and language are like two peas in a pod. They both seem to act as tools  used by both heart and mind to connect our thoughts with intent. Music tends to link our memories to events and emotions. Our hearts seem to need a “common bond.”  So many things go better with music and it should be present as a necessary part in “peace talks” and on the battle field…most definitely!  I think the heart needs what music and other heart languages can offer to take  the brain where it resists going.

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Vibration in Language

I wonder if the main purpose of communication is alignment, the result of which, is connection.

I wonder if the main purpose of communication is alignment, the result of which, is connection.

Resonance, a special kind of vibration, is understood by all earth life. Whichever medium is used, whether gas, liquid, solid or other, communication is based on resonance. The specific resonance of both transmitter and receiver must align in order for communication to occur effectively. I wonder if the main purpose of communication is alignment, the result of which, is connection. Our five basic senses are built to receive resonance. Interpreting resonance is tricky at best because most, if not all interpretations are based on perception and assumption. The brain allows what information it considers relevant to be processed. The same may be the case with information sent out. Although we may have an intended receiver for our communications, the resonance goes out there, regardless of intent. Some information may be conveyed to a wide variety of unintended recipients for random or inaccurate interpretation. (i. e., Facebook). In a perfect world, unintended recipients would be completely neutral and disinterested in your communications, but we can hope our information is safe. Continue reading


If I can see myself in you
And you can see me too,
I think we think a lot alike
In fact I know we do.

Don’t act as though you know me,
Even though I know you do;
And I won’t draw you to myself
Although you’d like me to.

Levels of Awareness

How many levels of awareness are there?

How many levels of awareness are there?

I THINK I am who I am – and you are who you are – and every creature or plant is what it is – separate from me. That makes me wonder if there is a hierarchy of awareness involved here. Basically, I’m aware of myself (roughly my mind – and to a lesser extent, perhaps, my body) as “level1”. Level 1 might be thought of as “inside me.”

I’m also aware of the other humans and animals in my immediate vicinity (maybe “level 2”). I might add to level 2 the awareness of germs that affect my body – not a direct awareness as I can’t sense that level directly, but through education. Level 2 might also include earth (in my immediate vicinity), the sun and stars I can see. Level 2 might be thought of as “outside me.”

I’m unaware beyond that – or am I? Level 3? What would that include? Maybe such things as “sixth sense” – whatever is beyond “inside me” (level 1) and “outside me” (level 2).

How many levels are there? Can I become aware of more than 2?

I’m pretty sketchy on level 1, let alone level 2 (mostly unaware).

Why the Secrecy?

Whatever the purposes or reasons for alien interference in human affairs, why the secrecy?

Whatever the purposes or reasons for alien interference in human affairs, why the secrecy?

It’s becoming more and more evident that aliens have and are still visiting earth. Further, that these visits appear to have a purpose related to humans. For example, rocket scientists from Hitler’s Germany, either captured or enlisted by the US and USSR, claim they received “assistance” from extraterrestrial sources. Perhaps they were just “sweetening the pot” so to speak, in hopes of cutting themselves a better deal with whichever side they found themselves.

For the sake of interest, let’s say they did receive “inspiration” of some kind from beings outside our earthly realm. My question then is, “Why?”

What possible purpose might an extraterrestrial race find in interfering with human evolution, human politics, day-to-day human activities?

Whatever the purposes or reasons, why the secrecy?

And why the smear campaign on those who report sightings?

Beyond Recognition

Escher hands

I will not draw myself today or then again I might.

Earth and the life on it are moving and changing so fast that it’s not possible to hold it still, even in our mind. Technology keeps a symbolic record of time for us but memories and the feelings associated with them must be carried on and reinterpreted by the Mass Mind Entity-(MME).

“The way things are” is entrained in us throughout our lifetime. What’s best or right as determined by the MME.  Acceptance is the “smart” way to think. Independent thought is marginalized and discouraged as wrong or a potential threat to “peace.” If unconditional peace is the goal, then  unconditional peace may be found through unconditional compliance. Peace is not always happiness.

Do our thoughts reflect the attitude of the MME? Or does the MME reflect ancient thought processes life on this planet continues to holds on to?

What do you think would happen to you if you really thought outside the MME?

Ancient Aliens and Modern Beliefs

Cave painting

Painting is sometimes as good as words when describing something you don't understand.

I have been watching the TV series “Ancient Aliens,” which I find fascinating. One episode considered how early man viewed Gods as super-humans. They witnessed things far beyond their capabilities and perhaps beyond their imagination and needed some kind of justification for what they experienced. How do you justify that which you don’t understand? They did the best they could with what they had.

I can imagine why what they witnessed could fill them with both fear and wonder – I think we would probably behave the same way today given the same understandings about the universe. Today, however, we have much greater understanding, yet we are still filled with wonder and awe at the universe – and many misconceptions! Further, we immediately believe that any creature capable of space travel must be light-years ahead of us technologically – perhaps an unwarranted assumption based solely on our limited frame of reference (our biases and beliefs).

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