Endangered species
I find it compelling that over the many eons humans have been on earth, they have experienced incredible struggles and sufferings. We know today that coping skills are created through awareness. The primitive responses we call instinct were attributable to physical needs.
The ability to override such instincts of fight or flight, though miraculous, must have been developed through a conscious awakening of self. I wonder if justification was a psychological fluke, stumbled upon to cope when simple logic of reasoning why or how survival was achieved, when circumstance shouted NO WAY!. Explaining to fellow humans how ones behaviors overcame circumstances, leading to illogical outcomes, must have been entertaining and confusing then, as it is now. Exercising the mind to accept the possibilities, that challenged logic so defiantly, were truly triumphs of ” mind over matter.” Such fantastic tales must have been met with wonder, fear and suspicion towards the strange survivors.They were likely viewed as “different,” or possibly dangerous to other humans. They might have even been thought of as gods or protected by gods.
The more bizarre the explanation, the more believable the justification for, well… justifying.
Such non-physical adaptations were just as necessary for psychological survival as physical adaptations were and still are, apparently, for survival. Dual survival consciousness may have driven the need to attach good/bad, right/wrong concepts to justification or judgments, to better convince the ever suspicious human mind.
So, when someone lies, we ought to view such behavior as the miraculous triumph of the human mind, a break through for imagination that physical adaptation alone could not have sparked, plus the constant fear of critics may have helped inspire … or not!
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