“We all feed down here,” I think I heard that in a movie, it really could be true. I say, “live and let live”… a quote from another movie probably. Of course there could be influences that control our emotional and mental states that are unknown.
“The devil made me do it,” may not be too far off, at least not the part about being made to do something against our conscience will or character.
How might a feeder influence me?. maybe by sending signals (symbols) of a chemical or electro-magnetic type perhaps, an ancient language, recognized by the unconscious mind/body. If my body/mind responds to such unseen signals or symbols, that I am not consciously aware of, then how can I be accountable much less, control the results of what my mind/body creates?
We use language and other tools to get what we want and need at a conscious level in our world. How can I find out what my unconscious is sending out there? Perhaps those in other dimensions do this, too. Maybe we pick up on their signals at that same unconscious level and cause or influence them to react in ways that frustrate them too.