The “Value” of a Feed

I love life?... I love it not?

I love life?… I love it not?

I am recalling the song, “Dirty Laundry” by Don Henley, where those who gather and report the news are like one voracious creature who can’t get enough dirt of the seditious variety to devour and regurgitate upon the land of the hungry ignorant masses.

News is a social bridge connecting one perception of reality with another. It is intended to supply our minds with more second hand energy that can be fed upon. Feeds are internal judgments based on perceptions of right/wrong and good/bad. Our perceptions are just that… our own, and do not express what others perceive, although agreement tends to indicate a match. Those “iffy” areas of “grey” are worthy snack feeds. Micro scrutinizing is a conservative way of tapping into the feed flow if you are bored or in a hurry… like sipping at your drink instead of gulping it down.

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Validating a Feed

Comparisons and Standards

My Seal of Approval is all that counts.
My Seal of Approval is all that counts.

We each have standards we live by. Standards are important for measuring and comparing. Without standards we have no knowledge of progress, of completion, or of compliance.

We compare everything to everybody and everything else. Blue is blue as compared to something less or not blue. Up is compared to down, left to right, in to out, etc. Few things are absolute, so much of our comparison is likewise not absolute. However, sometimes we erroneously assign an absolute value to something that is only comparatively less or more than another.

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Separation Calls the Feeder

Feeders seek to separate their prey.

Everyone has biases or judgments that support a belief that separating out the best from the rest is important and right. Biases make us feel smart or right through insidious means, dividing our connections with humanity towards a feed. Separation calls the feeder.

We see this in nature. Lions and other predators seeking a feed will focus on the one prey animal that shows signs of or is separate from their group.

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