Feed For Thought

Endangered species

Endangered species

I find it compelling that over the many eons humans have been on earth, they have experienced incredible struggles and sufferings. We know today that coping skills are created through awareness. The primitive responses we call instinct were attributable to physical needs.

The ability to override such instincts of fight or flight, though miraculous, must have been developed through a conscious awakening of self. I wonder if justification was a psychological fluke, stumbled upon to cope when simple logic of reasoning why or how survival was achieved, when circumstance shouted NO WAY!.  Explaining to fellow humans how ones behaviors overcame circumstances, leading to illogical outcomes, must have been entertaining and confusing then, as it is now. Exercising the mind to accept the possibilities, that challenged logic so defiantly, were truly triumphs of ” mind over matter.” Such fantastic tales must have been met with wonder, fear and suspicion towards the strange survivors.They were likely viewed as “different,” or possibly dangerous to other humans. They might have even been thought of as gods or protected by gods.

The more bizarre the explanation, the more believable the justification for, well… justifying.

Such non-physical adaptations were just as necessary for psychological survival as physical adaptations were and still are, apparently, for survival.  Dual survival consciousness may have driven the need to attach good/bad, right/wrong concepts to justification or judgments, to better convince the ever suspicious human mind.

So, when someone lies, we ought to view such behavior as the miraculous triumph of the human mind, a break through for imagination that physical adaptation alone could not have sparked, plus the constant fear of critics may have helped inspire … or not!


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Stranger Bedfellows

Judgment and Revenge - strange bedfellows.

Judgment and Revenge - strange bedfellows.

Judgment and Revenge – strange bedfellows.

Judgment with revenge is an interesting survival adaptation in humans. It consists of several parts:

  1. Consideration of “evidence” in the light of negative judgment (“They did something wrong”)
  2. A sense of personal injury (“They did it to me or someone I care about”)
  3. A need for balance or personal justice (“someone must pay”)
  4. A plan to balance the scales (“I’ll get them back for this”)
  5. A behavior that satisfies negative emotions of those seeking vengeance.
  6. Satisfaction (“Now we’re even”) justice has been served – seldom actually achieved, BTW
  7. Rationalizing retributions (“They deserved what they got!!”)

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Why the Secrecy?

Whatever the purposes or reasons for alien interference in human affairs, why the secrecy?

Whatever the purposes or reasons for alien interference in human affairs, why the secrecy?

It’s becoming more and more evident that aliens have and are still visiting earth. Further, that these visits appear to have a purpose related to humans. For example, rocket scientists from Hitler’s Germany, either captured or enlisted by the US and USSR, claim they received “assistance” from extraterrestrial sources. Perhaps they were just “sweetening the pot” so to speak, in hopes of cutting themselves a better deal with whichever side they found themselves.

For the sake of interest, let’s say they did receive “inspiration” of some kind from beings outside our earthly realm. My question then is, “Why?”

What possible purpose might an extraterrestrial race find in interfering with human evolution, human politics, day-to-day human activities?

Whatever the purposes or reasons, why the secrecy?

And why the smear campaign on those who report sightings?

Mass Mind Entities

“Where two or more of you are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them.”

Let’s investigate one life form we seldom think about – mass mind entities (MMEs). For example,  as the “collective mind” of human organizations like religious groups, schools, corporations, governments, mobs, etc. – and yet, the phenomenon seems to exist at all levels of life from single cell amoebas to human beings.

Ants, bees, other social creatures demonstrate a “hive mind” – which is a type of MME. I wonder if there are more MMEs than one might account for on this earth.

MME example: I live in an environment that provides four seasons every year. ALL the creatures and plants in this environment collectively sustain and adapt to that environment, creating a complex two-way interaction in which life and environment are inexplicably entwined – they become an MME. Now, extend that example to include the multi-cell bodies of the creatures that live here, the earth as an MME… then to the solar system… and then the Milky Way galaxy… now beyond…with this as a base of probability, we might think that there is no reality to true individualism.

The Tapeworm Metaphor

A champion feeder, the tapeworm is a kind of parasite that lives on the food in the human gut.

A champion feeder, the tapeworm is a kind of parasite that lives on the food in the human gut.

A champion feeder, the tapeworm is a type of parasite that lives on the food in the human gut. As the worm grows larger, it provides chemical markers to its host that cause the host to eat more food while at the same time hiding the parasite from detection, convincing the body that the worm is actually part of the body. Eventually the worm grows so large that the host cannot provide enough food for it and the worm feeds on its host until both die of starvation.

The salient metaphoric concepts to consider here are:

  • The host is completely unaware of the parasite until it’s too late (assuming no modern medical intervention).
  • The parasite controls the system – telling the host brain to eat more of what the parasite likes.
  • The host often defends the parasite as a necessary part of the body.
  • Eventually, the parasite kills the host – both by eating its flesh and through starvation.

The tapeworm is an effective parasite to the physical body because it can hide and then become part of the host body.

What would such a parasite look like in the emotional/mental realms? Would you recognize it if you had one? As the physical tapeworm parasite hides itself using chemical markers, I doubt you’d perceive a mental/emotional parasite if you had one.

What would such a parasite “look/act like?” How would you know if you had one? How could you prevent infestation? And most importantly, how could you rid yourself of it if you had one?

More on this subject later…


Imagine that ghosts, aliens, and some other phenomena are real. How would this change you? Knowing that you are up against feeding competition might!

We accept that all living organisms have to feed. We don’t think much about it because it’s a natural part of life and death. We live to eat and eat to live, right? In fact, satisfying our hunger is one of the most powerful urges we have to think about daily.

The rest of the story here is my theory of how our unseen environment can affect us:

What if, in the food chain, other than yourself, a type of food exists that everything feeds on? A commodity so tempting than even single cell organisms want to feed on it?

It’s called water. Water contains the basic elements for life. Water, in all of its forms: solid, liquid or gas, combine with particulates of organic or inorganic substances carried on land and air.

This fallout  of contaminates, when mixed with H2O can influence the organism that consumes it.

Among these contaminants are adrenalin and other gland produced chemicals that are a language to the body in the appropriate context, commands to the body by the brain. I believe that ingesting such chemical messages, a foreign body, one that didn’t sent the message but receives it through the water, will react to those unconsciously received messages with unpredictable outcomes.