When they get hungry, some creatures run after their food, others browse for their lunch, while others still ambush their prey. A select few angle for their supper.
The concept of luring in exists today in humans. Oh, yeah, I’ll bet you’ve enjoyed a time when someone lured you into a conversation, a behavior, or a place that when you came to the realization of the “jig”, you were fish food – you know, down the proverbial hatch.
Just as in the wild, we humans use all sorts of methods to feed our insatiable emotional appetites. One method is the LURE.
Oh, yes, just like angler fish, we sometimes will dangle out there a bit of lighted “bait” hoping to snag the unwary. And when we feel they are close enough, WHAM! We let them have it – or, rather, suck them in entirely. Digestion usually follows.
Let’s face it, just like the angler fish we live in a world of darkness. We think the lights are on, but mostly, we’re busy fooling ourselves about it because we fear the dark – for good reason, mind you. The dark, figuratively representing the unknown, is all around us. A few individuals exhibit some light (scientists, poets, psychics, luminaries of all sorts), yet some of those “lights” are lures.
How many and which ones are lures? How should I know – I’m a bottom feeder!