I THINK I am who I am – and you are who you are – and every creature or plant is what it is – separate from me. That makes me wonder if there is a hierarchy of awareness involved here. Basically, I’m aware of myself (roughly my mind – and to a lesser extent, perhaps, my body) as “level1”. Level 1 might be thought of as “inside me.”
I’m also aware of the other humans and animals in my immediate vicinity (maybe “level 2”). I might add to level 2 the awareness of germs that affect my body – not a direct awareness as I can’t sense that level directly, but through education. Level 2 might also include earth (in my immediate vicinity), the sun and stars I can see. Level 2 might be thought of as “outside me.”
I’m unaware beyond that – or am I? Level 3? What would that include? Maybe such things as “sixth sense” – whatever is beyond “inside me” (level 1) and “outside me” (level 2).
How many levels are there? Can I become aware of more than 2?
I’m pretty sketchy on level 1, let alone level 2 (mostly unaware).
There are more aspects to human consciousness than sensory input. Human sensory acuity has, I believe, become limited, at least in some areas. Our reasoning is based more on acceptable logic, mingled with imagination. Very little sensory processing goes into forming “fact” based conclusions. Humans have adapted to supplementing input with assumption. Assuming makes it possible to judge not only the actions of our world but also the intent behind the actions because assumption makes facts almost unnecessary and based on the law of conservation of energy, we are further adapting to the world of possibility and moving away from the tedious world of probability. If there is agreement in assumption, the conclusions will be based on possibility.
Indeed, my concept of “levels” is a construct I use to help me understand what I’m experiencing (in NLP it’s called “chunking down” data or information to a more easily usable size).
I’ve seen some consider levels in a “spiritual-mental-emotional-physical” model. Complete fabrication – like language – in order to more easily conceptualize an infinitely more complex system.
I certainly don’t want to get off on a deep discussion of “levels” – only as it applies to “Feeders”. It is my contention that there are feeders at many levels. Just as the lifeforms we see on earth, these “feeders” – whatever they might be – could “hide” in levels of consciousness we do not attend to or are unaware of.
For example, an entity hanging out in a “space” that is neither me or not me would be incredibly difficult for me to become aware of (I mean, what else could there be if not me and not me?!)). From that hidden dimension of inter-dimensional consciousness it could feed on me and not me with complete safety from awareness – because I’m not looking there and neither is anyone else I’m aware of. Egad!
Enough about “levels” – can we get on with something more interesting?