At the physical level, everything living on earth must feed in order to survive or continue to exist. It also seems that in order for one life to continue, another form of life must end or be depleted in some way. There may be exceptions to this, I just don’t know what they could be.
What then is a Feed? It is the consumption of energy (fuel or support) from any system for the support or continuation of another system.
It’s easy to see how this happens physically, we all have to do it, we are consumers, however, it’s a bit more difficult to recognize the consuming of energy at an emotional or psychological level, even though each of us participates in this kind of a feed. One way to recognize you are feeding this way is to become aware of your connection to the person you are feeding on. Are they happy to be with you? Are you in a negative mood? Do you elicit compassion from others? Do you enroll others in your dramas?
At the psychological level, a feed must be sensed beyond the five natural senses. You have to appeal to the governing systems to feed directly on energy ei; the mind and heart. There is a draining effect on the of life force energy or the resolve/will to exist from a life-form we are feeding on. We drain or take from others what we want to be ourselves. The feeding process taps into systems that govern and strongly influence the form being fed upon. No exploitative method is overlooked where it comes to a feed. The mind and heart are the first to be targeted, if those two governing agents have overcome the lure of a feed, the body itself is used to enroll the governing agents of a life-form. ex; disease, chronic conditions, forced servitude, forced submission, anything that makes breaks down hope, resistance or peace is utilized if necessary to get a feed.
We are programmed to feed, we can’t deny it and we can’t help it that we have to feed. We may even try to justify satisfying out need to feed, that’s part of the feed too. In fact, the feed goes so deep into our beliefs that it became part of our need to feed beyond the physical need to exist.
There is yet another form of feeding and it more pervasive; it is the feeding on one’s own psychological need to exist. The perceptions of such a feed tend to be as follows.
- The victimized feed
- The entitlement feed
- The apocalyptic/doomsday feed
- The general “bad things happen to good people” feed
- The “what if things were different?” feed
- The “I’m better than you”/ “you’re better than me” feed
- The “idealist” (should) feed
- The “optimist/pessimist” feed
- The “apathetic/know-it-all” feed
- Any other separating, disharmonious, justifying at others expense, taking of life including ones’ own life to justify a disturbed need to feed
- The I need to be acknowledged at any cost feed
- The I alone have the power feed