What if the reason we can detect ETs at different times and places is because we are peering into another dimension, through a window, an opening of a kind of energetic veil or membrane sealing off one dimension from another? Could this also be the case for experiences with “spirits,” “ghosts” and other apparitions?
Our bodies as well as all other bodies here on earth, at least in this dimension, are separated by these thin membranes surrounding structures of purpose that define forms and their functions. Similarly, dimensions may be separated by veils, keeping commonality IN and differences OUT.
Natural calamities are often accompanied by the appearance of UFOs, which could be ETs observing the effects of nature and/or their influence. Where do these UFOs come from? Are they a triggering element for natural catastrophes where dimensional membranes are compromised or do natural catastrophes themselves cause such compromise?
I wonder if “compromise” is not the correct term. What if it’s just a normal and natural phenomenon for dimensions to overlap (like time-space). Like the bubbles in your illustration, we could be butt up against many other dimensions.
I think I agree with you that it’s entirely possible that dimensions don’t exactly do as bubble soap bubbles do – sharing plane borders (flat surfaces). What if inter-dimensional interaction is more like a finger protruding into mud – sharing a non-euclidean surface between them. When my finger enters the mud universe/dimension, it doesn’t turn into mud; rather, it retains all the rules of my physical body while operating within the mud universe.
What if creatures from other dimensions are coming and going here and we don’t perceive them because they exist encapsulated in their own dimension while operating here. Perhaps the dimensional border is porous enough for certain common elements (energy, for example) to pass between them while retaining all the rules of one dimension apart from the other.
I think you may be onto something with the appearance of UFOs and natural phenomena where large amounts of energy are present/released. Energy could be a common element between dimensions/universes. Maybe they are here to harvest some of our energy – which our universe has in abundance while maybe their’s doesn’t.
Or, like us, maybe they feed on energy – and have figured out how to do so directly where we humans feed indirectly on the energy stored in animals and plants.
Interesting notions to play with, indeed.
I agree the word “compromise” can be understood in numerous ways. The way I am intending the word is to illustrate the effect of an unconscious and unwelcome merge between separate systems, orders or worlds. The example of a cell wall comes to mind: if the cell wall or membrane is forcibly opened, the consequence could be the death or contamination of that cell, forcing the cell or the system directing that cell, to react defensively.
As I understand it, everything in this universe obeys laws that keep forms separate. Based on each form’s properties, the laws it obeys, the way forces act upon it, defines its functions as well as its boundaries.
There may be other considerations affecting a breach between barriers. Perhaps the word “breach” works better in this case. Whether the void between worlds is distinguished by one membrane or multiple layers of distinct divisions, all system are recognized by the boundaries that identify them as unique aspects of an undetermined whole.
Boundaries – without them there is nothing (and everything at once). It seems to me an interesting question might arise: what would happen if a breach were to occur between dimensions that did not share common laws? Would we notice? I don’t know.
Could “alien” lifeforms cross the boundaries between dimensions and “hang out” here (maybe within a “bubble” that allows them to take advantage of some of our laws and theirs)? I don’t see why not. Those who believe in string theory say it could be done – by “riding” a string.
Perhaps those natural calamities you mention are not “natural” at all, at least as we think of the term “natural.” What if they are inter-dimensional rifts – due to a compromise in the membrane of our dimension – that are created intentionally?