Resonance, a special kind of vibration, is understood by all earth life. Whichever medium is used, whether gas, liquid, solid or other, communication is based on resonance. The specific resonance of both transmitter and receiver must align in order for communication to occur effectively. I wonder if the main purpose of communication is alignment, the result of which, is connection. Our five basic senses are built to receive resonance. Interpreting resonance is tricky at best because most, if not all interpretations are based on perception and assumption. The brain allows what information it considers relevant to be processed. The same may be the case with information sent out. Although we may have an intended receiver for our communications, the resonance goes out there, regardless of intent. Some information may be conveyed to a wide variety of unintended recipients for random or inaccurate interpretation. (i. e., Facebook). In a perfect world, unintended recipients would be completely neutral and disinterested in your communications, but we can hope our information is safe. We are at the mercy of those who may use our information thoughtlessly, as we have learned through the misfortune of other people or our own experience. Taking the time to get in resonance with those you communicate with, puts you in more control of your life and worry less about how others might interpret your information. There is another type of communication few understand. It is the mind resonance, conveying information about your calculations and feelings that build a picture of you and how you view things. If some humans can tap into your deep unspoken thoughts and memories, perhaps “others” can, too. I wonder what would happen if sufficient numbers of humans sent the same message, like fearing what is happening on earth. Might this collective signal, whether intended to be received or not, been received, interpreted and evoked a response? We know what happens in nature when an injured creature sends out a signal of its distress…
3 thoughts on “Vibration in Language”
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The resonance you describe sounds a lot like rapport. When we are in deep rapport, communication happens – it’s impossible not to communicate when in deep rapport. There is no work to it – it just flows naturally.
Resonance in physics and chemistry defines a state of affairs in which small input converts to large outputs with very little energy lost in the process. This is the basis for amplification in electronics.
The concept of unintended reception makes me wonder about all those radio and TV signals we’ve “polluted” space with over the past century or so. Egad! Who knows who or what might be listening! For all we know, we’re offending them (a proverbial raised middle finger).
I also wonder if we might be jamming important, perhaps life-necessary, transmissions. Or, as you suggest, we’re “giving away our position”… My mind boggles with possibilities.
Earth already has a huge variety of languages (resonances), the air is simply buzzing with messages full of profoundly useful information. If we had opportunity, unlimited technological capability etc. to understand all there is to know about our world, we may choose not to. At this point in human development, we haven’t yet mastered an understanding of our own species communications. Our understanding is based on assumptions. Earth is pretty complicated and unexplainable and everyone seems to be OK with it so far. I see a pattern of assuming, perhaps that in itself is a form of communication.
I recall a TED talk in which the presenter contended, quite convincingly, that optical illusions, mental illusions, false assumptions, etc. are not a weakness but a strength. I don’t recall his points, but maybe you do.