Since life began here and perhaps even a pre-earth, development of single and multi-cell organisms have gone through innumerable evolutionary adaptions. In that time span, the genetic blueprints of all those organisms have been incorporated into modern DNA. Blueprints carrying information pertaining to form, function and successful survival strategies were needed by each succeeding generation for success in survival, DNA or its equivalent is in everything from vegetable to animal and actually minerals, too. A crystal can heal itself in the right environment.
What actually is in those multitudes of DNA instructions? Scientists theorize that the vital codes hidden within the DNA molecules contain the secrets of life and more, from what is beneficial or threatening to environmental patterns and symbolism. These amazing microscopic instructions instituted for achieving optimal success for both psychological empowerment an physical efficiency.
A few scientists believe that a large percentage of DNA is a kind of junk, unreadable and unusable. I wonder if some part of that “unusable” DNA makes imagination possible. It could be that DNA is an active participant in, if not leading the application of thought. Where else could the adaptation for logic and reasoning and the need for a larger brain (for some humans) have come from?
The larger brain takes my thoughts to human hoarders – well – meaning individuals that gather form and store it for safe keeping. What if the DNA is doing the same thing?
Principally speaking, the need to survive is dependent upon an organism’s ability to recall data for fast, successful outcomes. What if the hoarder is thinking when they are storing a form, “What if I need this later on? This might help me survive.”
We tend to physically associate with form – an external representation that extends who we think we are within our safe space. It could be a single room, a whole house or even a car, etc. – anything we can put in the format of, “I am = [form].”
For an illustrative imagery on this subject, point your web browser to and look for The Bag Imagery (on CD and MP3).
Perhaps the bigger brain capacity is for anticipating the use of “hoarded” DNA-stored messages. Does DNA just fade away when we die? Does so much valuable input from its carrier just get wasted at death? If not needed for one’s own future survival in this earthly life, then where and by what or who?
To me, “hoarding” connotes having without using. Apparently that’s only a partially correct perception. In the case of DNA, there is a lot of information held in reserve – “potential” – just in case.
I look at DNA like MS Word: there are loads of features I’ll never use – but might use. Further, the icons showing on my computer screen are NOT the functions that are called when I click an icon – they are REPRESENTATIONS for those functions. DNA apparently has the same concept built into it – many functions sit idle until they are called upon, and then they fly into action.
Like computer programs with “bloat”, I think we can accumulate excess DNA functions – hoarding. For example, the likelihood that I’ll need body attributes necessary to exist in an ice age is pretty low – but I’ll bet I have functions for them in my DNA nonetheless.
I wonder how these “excess” (hoarded?) DNA functions affect our day-to-day life…
I think that our minds and dream states play some of that DNA out in daily life. The daily stress we feel, for example, may exceed the typically effective levels of energy required to do the job, instead the body may be acting out a real life survival scenario, emotionally, and physically, and isn’t relatable to currant reality.
Since my body is mostly made up of non-human organisms, presumably with their own DNA signatures, how does all this extra DNA affect my organism and consciousness? Does my human DNA ever “mix” with the alien DNA? Is it possible to be 100% human? If so, what would that look like? I wonder…
I feel like taking a nice hot shower… (there’s probably bacteria on the soap… ugh)
LOL, My guess… the water does too! Maybe the water is what sustains all of life. It may be the water that is attracting “other” life forms from beyond earth, hidden within space debris.